Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Don't Have Enough Time? Whose Voices are You Following?

"I Don't Have Enough Time!" How many times have you made that cry? In our 24/7, gadgetized techi world with all of its instant gratifcations whose expectations are we meeting or not meeting? Whose life is more stressed out? (Now that's one we could probably all claim 1st Place in the one-up-manship contest.

On the day I was having a BIGTIME "time" meltdown, I also agreed to help lead a women's Bible Study entitled, The Frazzled Female. What I didn't count on was teaching the lesson entitled "I Don't Have Enough Time!" In the book the author states,
In my seminars I ask the question, "What causes you to be frazzled?" "Not enough time" is always at the top of the list.
It's probably at the top of yours too.

The author (Cindi Wood) sent us to John 9-12, which included The Parable of the Good Shepherd. In this passage which I know so well, and in a time I made to pull away from everything else to hear from the LORD on this lesson, I believe He did reveal to me a whole new way to look at this Word from THE WORD.

In the story, Jesus begins by talking about sheep knowing their shepherd's voice. The sheep won't follow any other voices, because the know the shepherd will lay His life down for them to protect them. Jesus calls the other voices those of strangers, thieves and robbers wishing harm on the sheep. Of course, He speaks of Himself as THE GOOD SHEPHERD. His sheep hear His voice and follow Him rather than those that would mean them harm. In return the sheep experience abundant life.

When we consider all the possibilities of the day -- all the voices calling our name -- all the activities that seem so important -- and we say let the multi-tasking begin -- Just whose voices are we following anyway? The strangers, the thieves the liars and the cheaters wishing to steal our precious time and energy. They may not even be the big things (probably not). But how about all the little stuff that just isn't that important.

Personally, I spent about 4 hours the week of my time meltdown just shopping for a necklace for a certain outfit that I had a vision about and hoped to wear to an event this weekend. Was it worth it. I can say absolutely "NO." My mission was unsuccessful and in the whole big scheme of things it really doesn't matter. I have another that will be beautiful, and carries no additional cost of precious time and resources. Whose voice was I listening to? The vision of my own crazy flesh and a bit of ego, I'm sure. That voice was a thief. A thief of about 4 hours of my time. That's not a lot, but certainly could have been used in a much more productive way, with much less stress.

When the layers are peeled away -- when we truly give the long "to do" list to The Good Shepherd and follow His voice, I wonder how many items on that list are really that important? He may require us to make some tough choices, but if we follow THE SHEPHERD'S voice He promises,
They may have life, and have it abundantly. John 10:10 (NASB)

I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of. John 10:10 (The Message)

An abundant, more, better than I ever dreamed of life. That sounds like more than enough time to me! WOW!!! Consider consulting THE GOOD SHEPHERD (JESUS) and listen for His voice when choosing how you use your time today. You may just have more than you ever dreamed of!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Just Opened an Etsy Store

Not exactly a "health & wellness" issue, but would like to let my readers know anyway . . . . I just opened an etsy shop. Anyone out there with any great suggestions for promotion? Click on this button, go to LynnsTreasurePockets, look around and leave me some feedback please. I would be especially honored if you included me on your favorites at etsy. I'm believing this may be an awesomely perfect outlet for my creative adventures.

If you are a crafter, you will really want to look around this site if you are not familiar with it. There are some incredible handmades and lots of great supplies for crafting as well.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Frazzled -- Just a Bit!!!

Continuously amazed at God's sense of humor. Last Sunday I was asked to help lead our women's Sunday Morning Bible Study. The topic: The Frazzled Female. As I prayed about and contemplated this all week things were going pretty smoothly. You're thinking, "Yeah right, you're about to get knocked on your keester just about the time you think it's going so well!"

Of course, that is correct. I found myself in near tears, and at the same time laughing out loud at how ridiculous my whole unraveled week looked in the bigger scheme of things. I did make the phone call to accept the invitation. I knew that all of the week's events were just "material" to share in class.

This illustration pretty much sums up how I felt yesterday (although I did get things in a bit clearer perspective eventually). Today was a better day. Looking forward to tomorrow! The ever present question still in my mind however: "Just how do we set priorities and boundaries that keep us on a more even keel in our perpetual motion world?" Perhaps that is food for thought for more blog entries. I'll meet you there!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Locating a Reflexologist

Oh, so sorry . . . . I beg forgiveness . . . . many of my readers may well live outside (and probably do) the Memphis, TN area. To find a reflexologist in your own locality, please check out the directory of the Reflexology Association of America.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Reflexology -- Encouragement Toward Your Personal Hopes, Dreams and Goals in 2009

A new year with new hopes, new dreams, new goals. . . . Letting go of extra stress, taking better care of yourself, and renewed energy may well encourage you toward those hopes, dreams and goals whatever they may be. Consider these general, but incredible, benefits of reflexology and how they may provide some bigger than life solutions to improving your life in 2009.

Reduces Stress
Revitalizes Energy
Assists Functioning of Circulation
Assists Functioning of Nervous System
Assists the Cleansing of Toxins from the Body
Assists the Harmonizing of the Body's Systems Naturally
Preventative/Supportive Caring Touch

WOW! That's a lot of potential benefit! Appointments are available. Schedule your "experience" today!

Contact Information may be found at The Footsteps In Eden Website

Just a brief note here: Reflexology really is way more than a great foot rub! To learn more about Reflexology and Lynn Watson, Registerd Certified Reflexologist, please visit my website.